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PCI Training

To continue accepting credit/debit card payments, UCLA is required to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Compliance with the standards require annual training be completed by our staff, students and faculty who directly process or who supervise others who transmit, store or otherwise process credit/debit card payments. Training must be completed shortly after hire date and thereafter on an annual basis. An annual reminder of this training requirement will be sent to existing users one month before their annual due date through the UC Learning Center email alerts. The instructions below will assist new staff who have not yet been trained.

  • Enter your UCLA Logon ID and password.


UCLA Logon Screen


  • Please click the Start button (bottom right) of the “PCI DSS Security Awareness Training”



PCI DSS Security Awareness Training screen


Once you have completed the course, you will be able to print/email your certificate of completion and provide information to your immediate supervisor for tracking and auditing purposes. If you experience problems with the training module, please email a screen shot of the error to sends email). Thank you for helping maintain UCLA’s PCI compliance.

Technical Requirements

A UCLA Logon ID is required to access the training. To look up your UCLA Logon ID or to reset your password, please go to opens a new window  or contact the Bruin Online Help Desk: (310) 267-HELP or email sends email).

The following are platform/browser combinations officially supported by the UC Learning Center (LMS):

  • Windows 8 + Internet Explorer 10 – 11
  • Windows 7 + Internet Explorer 8 – 11, Firefox 30, or Chrome 37
  • Mac OS 10.9.5 + Safari 7
  • Other platform/browser combinations may work, but users may encounter unexpected issues
  • Pop-up blockers must be turned off. Please contact your departmental IT support if you need assistance with pop-up blockers